- Filtros
óticos de Fabry-Perot baseados em filmes finos e
µ-lentes de coating de PDMS para probes neuronais
Coordinator: J. H. Correia
João Ribeiro, Sara Pimenta, José Artur Rodrigues, Nuno
Dias, Graça Minas, Marino Maciel, João Oliveira, Alexandre Silva, José
Pereira, Sandra Gonçalves, João Freitas, Bruno Esteves
Funds: 239.497,06
€, PTDC/CTM-REF/28406/2017
FCT-Portugal R&D
Center: CMEMS-UMinho Start: 26 July 2018. End: 28 February 2022 Summary: The employment of MEMS technology for neural
probes production, capable of interfacing with the central nervous system at
the cellular level, is a reality. Optogenetics
probes represent devices optimized for light delivering into a cell population,
genetically modified, to produce a specific biological effect. Moreover, the
combination of optogenetics with fluorescence
emission magnifies the profits of neural probes, where the neurons are
activated by light, photostimulation (PS), and
their physiological status is also determined using light and fluorophores
co-electroporated into the neurons. Introducing
µ-LEDs and an array of photodiodes on a neural probe enables simultaneously:
PS of different target neurons in the brain volume; excitation of fluorophores;
and measurement of the emitted fluorescence, which indicates the neurons
status. However, two major problems emerge: 1) the optical signal measured by
the photodiodes must be the emitted fluorescence and not the neurons PS and
fluorophores excitation lights (from the µ-LEDs); and 2) the µ‑LEDs
emission irradiance needs to be at least 1 mW/mm2
for neurons PS, leading to the requirement of increasing the µ‑LEDs
power, which presents another issue with high-power consumption and neurons
overheat. The OpticalBrain
project proposes: the implementation of a high-selective Fabry-Perot
optical filter (thin-films multilayer) and a coating of polydimethylsiloxane
(PDMS) as µ-lens on the top of an array of photodiodes; and the empowering of
µ-LEDs using PDMS µ-lenses. The optical filter on the top of the array of
photodiodes (with a narrow full‑width‑half‑maximum (FWHM)
of ≈ 10 nm) may be selective to the emission peak of GECOs (that
fluoresces when bound to Ca2+) in order to measure the
physiological Ca2+ dynamics of neural cells after the cells PS
using the opsin ChR2 (Channelrhodopsin-2). The PDMS µ-lenses will allow the
light collimation, optimizing the incident light in the array of photodiodes
and the emission irradiation of the µ‑LEDs. Finally, the high selective
array of photodiodes and the empowered µ-LEDs will be integrated in a neural
probe. The expected original contributions for
neural probes are: - To implement a high-selective Fabry‑Perot optical filter on the top
of an array of photodiodes. -To develop an implantable µ-lens on an array
of photodiodes, that will optimize incident light without increasing the
probe size. -To develop implantable µ-lenses on
µ-LEDs, that will increase the emission irradiance of by at least 10% without
overheating the brain; -To
establish a robust and adaptable manufacturing technology based in
photoresist patterning for fabricating µ‑lenses on top of any array of
photodiodes and µ-LED; - To reduce the power consumption
since the µ-LEDs emission irradiance is optimized with µ‑lenses. -Developing flexible delivery
probes for enabling reaching lesions in hollow organs of the human body via
endoscopes; -Optimizing laser power in Raman
probes to be used real-time in-vivo for maximum permissible exposure and
temperature increase avoiding tissue damage. The final project results: Patents - An
European Patent - EP21188953, submtted on 30 July 2021, Neuronal device for optogenetic applications and neuronal activity monitoring
in an animal and its use. Authors: Sara Pimenta, José Rodrigues, Eliana Vieira, João
Freitas, Bruno Esteves, J. H. Correia. - A Portuguese Patent - PT116977, submitted on 28 December 2020, Dispositivo neuronal para aplicações optogenéticas e monitorização da atividade neuronal de um
organismo animal e o seu uso. Authors: Sara
Pimenta, José Rodrigues, Eliana Vieira, João Freitas, Bruno Esteves, J. H.
Correia. . PhD Theses -PhD thesis, Sandra Beatriz
Gonçalves, “µLED Optrode for Acute Optogenetic Applications”, Programa
Doutoral MIT-Portugal, February 2019.
- PhD thesis, Ana Patrícia Tavares Moreira, "Development of
biosensor integrated into Dye sensitized solar cell for measure cancer
biomarker", Programa Doutoral
Eng. Biomédica, December
2019. Master
Theses -MSc thesis,
Nuno Miguel Santos Teixeira de Sousa, “Fabrico de um Sistema para
Eletrodeposição de Filmes Finos de Platina”, Mestrado Integrado em Eng.
Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores, November
2018. -MSc thesis, José Pedro de
Oliveira Pereira, “Fabrico de um Filtro Ótico Integrado numa Matriz de Fotodíodos de Silício para Aplicação em Sondas Neuronais,
Mestrado Integrado em Eng. Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores, November 2018. -MSc thesis, João Rui Martins
Freitas, “Fabrico de Microlentes para Aplicação em MicroLEDs”,
Mestrado Integrado em Eng. Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores, November 2019.
- MSc thesis,
Diogo Azevedo Pereira, Sistema de comunicação ótica para dispositivos
biomédicos, Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Biomédica – ramo de Eletrónica
Médica pela Universidade do Minho, February 2021. - MSc thesis,
Bruno Miguel C. Esteves, Fabrico e caracterização de um fotodetetor
para integração numa sonda neuronal flexível, Mestrado Integrado em
Engenharia Biomédica – ramo de Eletrónica Médica pela Universidade do Minho, March 2021. - MSc thesis,
Hugo Martins Pereira, Magnetómetros atómicos de bombeamento ótico para
medição de campos magnéticos cerebrais, Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia
Biomédica – ramo de Eletrónica Médica pela Universidade do Minho, March 2021. International Conferences: M. J. Maciel, S. Pimenta, J. F.
Ribeiro, and J. H. Correia, “Design of a novel TiO2/Airgap-based
polarizing micro beam splitter cube,” in 29th Micromechanics and Microsystems
Europe Workshop (MME 2018), August 26-29, Smolenice,
Eslováquia, 2018. URL: http://dei-s2.dei.uminho.pt/outraslic/OCTRAMAN/mme2018_mmaciel.pdf JF Ribeiro, S
Pimenta, HC Fernandes, SB Goncalves, MR Souto, AM Goncalves, NAP de Vasconcelos, P Monteiro, JH Correia,
“Low-cost Non-etched Silicon Neural Probe”, 9th
International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER’19), San
Francisco, CA, USA, March 2019. URL: https://doi.org/10.1109/NER.2019.8716910 M. J. Maciel, M. F. Silva, S. Pimenta, and J. H.
Correia, “Detection of low-magnetic fields by rubidium (87 Rb) vapor cell,” Proceedings MME 2019 Micromechanics and
Microsystems Europe Conference, Oxford. UK, pp. 7–12, 2019. URL:
http://dei-s2.dei.uminho.pt/outraslic/OCTRAMAN/mme2019_mmaciel.pdf M. F. Silva, S. Pimenta, J. A. Rodrigues, M. J.
Maciel, M. Ghaderi, L. M. Goncalves, G. de Graaf,
R. F. Wolffenbuttel, J. H. Correia,” UV optical filters based in magnesium”,
Proceedings MME 2019-Micromechanics and Microsystems Europe Conference,
Oxford. UK, pp. 73–78, 2019. URL: http://dei-s2.dei.uminho.pt/outraslic/OCTRAMAN/mme2019_msilva.pdf S. Pimenta, M. Maciel, A. Miranda, M. Cerqueira, P. Alpuim, and J. Correia, “Raman Spectroscopy for Tumor
Diagnosis in Mammary Tissue,” in Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology, Photoptics,
pp. 131–134, La Valleta, Malta, 2020. URL: http://dei-s2.dei.uminho.pt/outraslic/OCTRAMAN/photoptics2020_spimenta.pdf International
Journal Papers: https://doi.org/10.3390/s19051057 S Pimenta, JP Pereira, NM Gomes, JF Ribeiro, MF Silva, SB Goncalves, G Minas, JH Correia, “High-selectivity neural
probe based on a Fabry Perot optical filter and a CMOS
silicon photodiodes array at visible wavelengths”, J Biomed Opt, SPIE, vol.
23, pp. 105004, October 2018. URL: https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.23.10.105004 URL: https://doi.org/10.3390/mi9090473 URL: https://doi.org/10.1109/JMEMS.2018.2868229 M. J. Maciel, S. Pimenta, J. F. Ribeiro, and J. H.
Correia, “Design of a novel TiO2 /airgap-based
polarizing micro beam splitter cube,” J. Phys. Conf. Ser.,
vol. 1319, no. 012006, Sep. 2019. URL: http://dei-s2.dei.uminho.pt/outraslic/OCTRAMAN/jphycs_2019_mmaciel.pdf M. J. Maciel, N. M.
Gomes, S. Pimenta, J. F. Ribeiro, and J. H. Correia, “TiO2/airgap-based polarizing beam splitter: design,
simulation, and fabrication based on MEMS technologies,” Opt. Lasers Eng.,
vol. 133, no. 106110, Oct. 2020. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0143816619308814?via%3Dihub S. Pimenta, S. Cardoso, E. M. S. Castanheira,
G. Minas, "Towards an on-chip optical microsystem for spectroscopic
detection of gastrointestinal dysplasia". Sensors & Actuators: B.
Chemical, Vol. 281, pp. 751-756, 2019. URL: http://dei-s2.dei.uminho.pt/outraslic/OCTRAMAN/sa_b_spimenta.pdf - J. A. Rodrigues,
S. Pimenta, J.P. Pereira, J.H. Correia, Low-cost silicon neural probe:
fabrication, electrochemical characterization and in vivo validation, Journal
Microsystem Technologies, Springer, May 2020. URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-020-04898-3 M. F. Silva, S. Pimenta, J.A. Rodrigues, J. R.
Freitas, M. Ghaderi, L. M. Goncalves, G. de Graaf,
R. F. Wolffenbuttel, J.H. Correia, Magnesium fluoride as low-refractive index
material for near-ultraviolet filters applied to optical sensors, Journal
Vacuum, Vol. N., pp.-, August 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109673 J. R. Freitas, S. Pimenta, J. F.
Ribeiro, Tao Dong, Z. Yang, J. H. Correia, “Simulation, fabrication and
morphological characterization of a PDMS microlens
for light collimation on optrodes", Journal Optik, Vol. 227, article 166098, 1-8 pages, February 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.166098 Bruno Esteves, S. Pimenta,
Eliana Vieira, J.F. Ribeiro, J. A. Rodrigues, J. H. Correia, “SnOx and a-Si thin-films based photodiode in a flexible substrate for
visible spectral region
Journal Materials Letters, Vol.
286, article 129251, 1-4 pages, March
2021. S. Pimenta, J. A. Rodrigues, F. Machado, J. F.
Ribeiro, M. J. Maciel, O. Bondarchuk, P.
Monteiro, J. Gaspar, J. H. Correia, L. Jacinto, “Double-layer flexible
neuronal probe with closely spaced electrodes for high-density in-vivo brain
recordings, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 663174, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2021.663174 Webpage production by Jose Higino Correia |